1. Officials must FIRST set up an account in ArbiterSports.
    1. Click on "Sign in Now" to access your account.
    2. Click on "Start Receiving Payments" to sep a new account.
  2. Once that is complete the official must create an Arbiter-Pay  using the account number from their ArbiterSports account and banking deposit account information
  3. USAW Membership system
    • Once you have an Arbiter-Pay account, enter that Arbiter User name and account number into your USA Wrestling membership account.
      • Log into your profile in the USAW membership system.
      • Click  “Manage”(top middle of the page to the right of the USA logo) > Click “Profiles” in the pull-down menu
      • Click “Manage profile” (On the far right of the line with your photo and the red and green buttons)
      • Click “Bio details” (third menu button to the right, below your name and USAW Membership Number)
      • All info on this page should be completed including shirt size and other information that will help future tournament organizers.   Most importantly, halfway down the page is the Arbiter info that must be completed with your "Arbiter Username" and  "Arbiter Account Number" that you created in step #1 of these instructions.